
Ministries & Church Groups

  • Do you have a longing to better understand yourself and how you were made?

  • Do you feel distant from God?

  • Do you wish other people would be more “authentic”?

  • Do you find it hard to love people who aren’t like you?

  • Do you wish you had some tools for getting along with people who don’t believe the way that you do?

The beauty of the body of Christ is that no two members are the same. We are all uniquely made in His image, and when we come together with different personalities, gifts, and abilities, we reflect to others more of who He is than we are able to do on our own.

The Enneagram is an even more powerful tool when viewed through the lens of the Gospel. It allows us to fully understand the intricacies of our personalities and the unique individuals God designed us to be. It also allows us to better understand the people we worship and serve with, helping us extend grace and compassion. Finally, it reminds us that we’re all imperfect sinners, and that every personality type has its negative flaws, motivations, and behaviors. When we rely on Christ and find our hope in Him, we can experience the rest and freedom that comes from being His beloved children. These insights can transform our lives and ministries.

If you’re interested in learning and applying the framework of the Enneagram through a Christ-centered lens in your church group or ministry, I can be your guide. I offer various types of sessions, retreats, seminars, and team coaching to help church groups and ministries better love and serve one another and carry out the work and mission to which God has called them.

Process & Pricing

Contact Anna for various session options and pricing.

Packages start at $500.

What Others Say

Camille, Ministry Client

“Working with Anna as an Enneagram coach has truly been life changing. What I’ve learned about God’s design for myself and others has grown my relationships and my view of God. I see the world through a different lens, understanding that various perspectives and talents contribute to the functional, beautifully dynamic world God originally created.”

Emily, Church Small Group Client

“I really appreciate the knowledge I’ve gotten from the Enneagram for so many reasons. Being a nurse, I am able to see my patients in a different light, knowing that we can all interpret the same scenario 9 different ways. I am glad to know more about my specific number to be able to communicate my needs and desires more easily with my husband, friends, and family. It’s been very beneficial in knowing family dynamics and in being able to anticipate needs or rephrasing ideas to better suit the receiver. Anna taught my small group from church in a home setting. She was very casual and comfortable but also super professional. She is able to present the Enneagram in a clear and engaging manner.”